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B2B Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is a necessity in today’s digital marketing landscape. Gone are the days of sending all new leads to sales without qualifying them first.You’ll be posting loads of engaging content, so be sure to keep your blog organized with Categories that also allow visitors to explore more of what interests them.

B2B marketing automation allows you to streamline marketing tasks and role responsibilities through workflows and triggers. B2B marketing automation is meant to help your team stay productive and efficient while nurturing your leads.

The business-to-business arena has been the traditional home of marketing automation. That’s because B2B prospects and customers form a small, focused target market, which is usually:

engaged in a multi-stage procurement process

part of an ongoing relationship of repeat business

For these reasons, B2B is a relationship-driven environment where product education and awareness building are vital. It’s also an arena where purchases are not made on the spur of the moment by individuals; instead, they are considered rational and usually involve more than one person.

The buying decision in such circumstances will also take some time, with weeks, months, or longer elapsing between the start of the process and its conclusion. This means that in general, business procurement necessitates a longer process of lead nurturing than B2C marketing, and in that process, the prospect will have done a lot of research before they are ready to speak to a salesperson – let alone ready to buy.

These characteristics – along with marketing-to-sales evolution, combined with customer research generating multiple data points that can be analyzed – make marketing automation software supremely well-suited to the B2B environment

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